AB Scientific pride ourselves on providing innovative products for all area of pathology, using only the leading manufacturers worldwide. Our ethos is to always put you, our customer, at the centre of everything we do. Listening to your needs and finding the right solution for you is our highest priority.
You told us that ISO accreditation is currently one of your biggest challenges and we have responded to this by compiling a portfolio of products around 3rd party quality control, assay verification, verification data processing and interpretation. All these products cover a multitude of areas such as Biochemistry, immunology, serum protein electrophoresis, Molecular Virology, Microbiology, Haematology, and Coagulation.
We have recognised customer interest in streamlined automated solutions and introduced the most automated Capillary Electrophoresis system available from Helena Biosciences and the most automated Andrology Analyser from MES. These flagship products compliment our medical equipment offering which includes devices for the field of Blood Transfusion.